Lessons for Students of Any Age

Playtime(3 -6 years old)
This course is called playtime! The main objective is to help your child become comfortable with English as well as get used to people from another country. This is a low stress, low expectation fun experience for your child! The classes are very flexibly created, with the teacher helping to create the course which is suitable for your child's character and attention span.
At this age we don’t try to keep them in their seats, but we do some colouring and basic writing when possible! Lego, puzzles, colouring, games and learning to clean up, is the basic core curriculum!! Target language may include basic greetings, classroom commands, animals, colours, numbers, foods and feelings. Every child learns at a different pace and has a unique character, and we try to tap into their strengths to bring out success in learning the language. The parents participation in helping their kids at home is beneficial and teachers are always happy to advise parents in guiding the children.

Elementary school (7 - 13 years old)
If your Child has participated in playtime then they will have a strong base with which to start these classes. If your child is new to the school we will try to create a comfortable, safe and fun atmosphere for them to start their English Journey! Currently in Japan, elementary schools are implementing an English curriculum at earlier stages of education. As such the focus of classes for children of this age is to prepare them to feel success in the school classroom and also lay the foundation for future evaluations, such as Aiken. The materials we use introduce phonics and start the student on basic reading, including sight words and basic grammar. Speaking and communication are at the centre of all classes and students have the opportunity to overcome shyness or hesitation while working with the English language.

Junior high school and high school students
The materials in this course are more advanced and flexible. Many students study English for a variety of reasons. We can support studying for Aiken, or any other test which the student need to challenge. The main focus for these teenagers and young adults is to communicate in English, and to improve listening and speaking. It is important to help students at this age to start learning the language holistically, including listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Our school hosts a tremendous amount of materials. Regardless of your purpose we should be able to find suitable books and exercises to challenge and help you. Because most classes are private lessons, the teacher and the student can work on the program so that there is a comfort and joy in every class. These classes are focussing on overall communication, as well as specific student needs. If students are working in an English environment, we also can help with e-mail editing, advice, document checking and most other needs you may have.