
Welcome to Chit Chat!
Our school employs a diverse team of teachers who proffessionally strive to deliver lessons that entertain, nurture language growth and are also beneficial to the student’s future.
Numbers Speak
Over the years we have had many students and we are always delighted to experience their success with them.
Active teachers
Active students
Lessons taught
Laughs and giggles
A Little About Us
- 入学金なし・登録料なし!シンプルな料金設定/Simple price system with no enrollment fees and no registration fees
- 目的にあわせたレッスン内容/Classes matched to your goals
- 英語学習の目的は人それぞれ。お子様から大人の方まで、目的にあわせたレッスンを受講してみませんか。
- Everyone has a different reason for learning English. Chit Chat provides classes for kids and adults that are matched to the goal of each student.
- 経験豊かな教師/Highly experienced teachers
- 当教室の講師は、様々な企業や英語学校にて語学教育に携わってきた経験豊かな講師です。カリキュラムとプログラムは、カナダで教育学士号を取得したバリー・ミラーによって作成されています。
- Chit Chat’s Teachers are highly experienced with a variety of educational background and language teaching experiences. The curriculum and programs are created by Barry Miller, who hold a Bachelor of Education degree in Canada.
- フレキシブルなレッスン時間/Flexible class timing
- レッスンは、他の方のご予約がなければ自由にお取り頂けます。 お仕事やスケジュールに合わせてご予約ください。 また、毎週決まったお時間にお越し頂くことも可能です(レッスン枠を固定する場合には、毎週お越し頂くことが条件となります。詳しくはお問合せください)。
- As long as it doesn’t overlap with another student’s class, you can take your classes any time you please, meaning you are free to arrange your classes around work and your private commitments. You are also able to take your classes at a set time each week (if you wish to do so, you will be required to attend at the time you select. Please contact us for further details).
- 充実した教材/A wide range of teaching materials
- 教室指定のテキストはございません。 英語学習の目的は人それぞれ。また、弱点や強化するべきポイントも異なります。 教室の豊富な教材より、皆様にあったテキストをご用意いたします。
- Chit Chat does not have a specific textbook for use in all classes. Each and every person has a different reason for learning English, and everyone has their own unique weaknesses and points for improvement. From our rich lineup of teaching materials, we will provide a textbook that matches your needs.
- 貸し出し可能な教材/Materials available to borrow
- 英語学習に効果的な教材から、新聞や雑誌、また音楽・映画に関するものまで、自由にご利用いただけるよう、貸出可能なライブラリーを設けております。
- Chit Chat offers a library service which allows you to borrow materials ranging from textbooks for studying English to newspapers, magazines, and materials related to music and movies.
- – テキストや英語学習教材/Textbooks and English learning materials
- – 子供用絵本/Picture books for kids
- – 小説(英語学習用。初級から上級までレベル別)/Novels (for English learning at all levels from beginners to advanced)
- – ペーパーブック、雑誌/Paperbacks and magazines
- – DVD(映画)、音楽CD等/DVD (movies), music CDs
Highly Trained Professionals
Our Teachers

Barry Miller
Head Teacher (English)
Barry came from Canada in 1997. He graduated from university of Saskatchewan with a bachelor of education degree. He has worked as a high school teacher in Canada and an ESL teacher in Japan. He has over 20 years experience. Hobbies include: school work, cooking, and dogs!

Playtime teacher & instructor
(English & Ukrainian)
Natalia comes to us from the Ukraine. She teaches culture in Yokohama and loves to work with children. She loves to play games and because she has brothers, she has a great sense of humour and is quite competitive. She has been teaching with us for about 8 years. Her hobbies include yoga, fashion and food. Her passions are cooking and helping her country survive these trying times.

Playtime teacher & instructor
(English & Tagalog)
Jesse comes from the philippines, actually from Cebu! He graduated from the University of San Carlos with a bachelor of secondary education. His major was Physical Education,and he enjoys athletics of all kinds. He works in schools in Kanagawa as an English teacher. His hobbies centre around his family and kids, and he tries to be a gardener but admits not successfully.

Playtime Teacher & Instructor
Richard has been in Japan for quite some time. Being Ugandan and graduating from Bejing Medical University, illustrated the unique path he has chosen through his life. Richard enjoys a good joke and spend a lot of time discussing the negative points of sugar. He loves working with kids and though an experienced teacher he is always nervous before class. He wants to always deliver his best class for the students. His only hobby is to help guide his children through their educational careers.

Eric Busque
Instructor(English & French)
Eric is from Quebec, Canada, and is our resident French teacher! He has a background in the arts and enjoys working with people on creative projects of all kinds. He has been teaching for quite a while and his extensive teaching experience covers both English and French language instruction! He enjoys cycling, music, art and nature and probably has only one complaint and that is “not enough time to do everything!”
エリックはカナダのケベック出身で、私たちのフランス語教師です! 彼は芸術のバックグラウンドを持ち、あらゆる種類の創造的なプロジェクトで人々と協力することを楽しんでいます。 彼は長年教えており、その豊富な指導経験には英語とフランス語の指導が含まれています! また、サイクリング、音楽、アート、自然を楽しんでおり、彼が唯一不満に思っていることは、「すべてをする時間が足りない!」ということかもしれません。

Playtime Teacher
Virginia is from Italy, near Firenze! She has been living in Japan with her husband for two years. She loves languages and helping connect people from different cultures, which is why she majored in Linguistic Mediation in English and French. In her free time, she enjoys visiting cafes and cooking Italian food for her husband. Teaching and spending time with children makes her very happy and brings her a sense of fulfillment.

We want you
Please contact by email if you are interested in the school. We are always looking for professional people to work with.